The Storyteller’s Room
Bibliotheca: library; collection of books.
Etymology: Latin, from Greek bibliothēkē, from bibli- + thēkē case; akin to Greek tithenai to put, to place.
A long time ago, I decided that my Most Perfect House was a library. Perhaps I was taking some influence from the classic Mixed of Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, where a couple of runaways hide out in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Nice choice, can’t criticize it, but I would have gone for the New York Library myself.
All these years later, living in my stories is one way I live in my own library.
My Bibliotheca is my way of opening the door to invite you in to share all the wild and (I hope!) entertaining stories I’m writing these days. Pull up a chair! Enjoy a dragon or two!
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House of York
The House of York is the legacy of Al and Sue York in the form of me, KimBoo York, their daughter. Both of my parents were voracious readers and excellent storytellers, and I like to think I’m carrying on the best of that tradition with my own career as a storyteller.
Note that word: “storyteller.”
More than just an author or someone who writes, I want to be someone who creates exciting, entrancing stories that immerse readers into the worlds I am building.
My older work is a bit more constrained to genre conventions than my current ongoing epics, but don't expect me to constrain my stories to any one genre. My goal is to build a publishing house where all of my epic stories are told. Romance? Check! Mystery? Check! Adventure? Check! DRAGONS?!?! Check! Magical dogs??!?!?!? OH HELL YEAH!
Most importantly, the queen of this castle is the best dog — THE BEST, sorry, I don’t make the rules — who is adorable and occasionally cuddly. Keely-boo is a rescue with a mysterious past and deserves a book series of her own. Someday.
Where’s the Non-fiction stuff????
Don’t worry, I’m still writing about discovery writing, serials, holistic productivity and the history of text technology! All that remains located over at the Scriptorium, no fear! You can totally subscribe to both, if you want. You should. 😁